Please note, our Showroom will be closed from 4pm Friday 20th December and will re-open Monday 6th January at 9am.

Kitchen Design UK – Essential Design Tool And A Brief Look Back In Time

Kitchen Design UK sure has sure come a long way since the medieval period. Now modern kitchens are the main focal point of our family space, a place where we share our meals, gossip and kids do their homework. A modern kitchen is categorised as a functional space. New archaeological discoveries suggest that modern kitchens, have more in common with their 14th century counterparts than previously thought, minus the wifi and technological wizardry.

At Glastonbury Abbey survives one of the only surviving medieval kitchens in the world. Known as the Abbots Kitchen, with its eight sided interior includes four massive corner fireplaces, each with a different function: baking, boiling, roasting and washing up.

Kitchen Design UK has changed dramatically

Catapult yourself back to modern times, just in the last 50 years Kitchen Design UK has changed dramatically. With modern computers, kitchen design UK has become the dream of Science Fiction fantasy. In the 1960’s when most modern concepts were being imagined, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was available, weighing in at a whopping 45kg but even heavier on the wallet, with a heftier price tag of £7000, (although luckily for those with more money than sense who could afford it, it included a 2 week programming course).